We just finished our Bomberos theme in our Spanish Immersion Preschool classroom! "Bomberos" means firefighters in Spanish, and this was a great theme to teach preschoolers about fire safety and prevention. In this post, we'll share with you some of the activities and resources that we used during this theme. We have also included a free printable pack that supports math and early literacy skills, as well as writing practice.
During our Bomberos theme, we focused on counting and identifying numbers to twelve, as well as building numbers using a ten frame. We also worked on matching upper and lower case letters and incorporated some writing practice. In the printable pack, you'll find learning pages to support these skills, including:
Capital and Lowercase letter cards
Numeral cards 0 to 20
Tira y Cubre (Roll & Cover) Game Boards

Early Literacy Skills:
We used our letter cards to play a letter matching game. Some students matched uppercase with uppercase, and others were able to match uppercase with lowercase letters. These activity cards are easily implemented at various levels of learning and can be used for letter matching (as we did) or for writing practice and word building!

Building Number Sense:
We used fire-themed number cards and some really neat finger-counting cards (which came in a set we purchased from Early Learning Ideas) to build on our homemade ten frame. For each number, our kiddos found the matching finger card and then placed that number of "water drops" (blue stones from the dollar store) on their ten frame.

Counting & Number Identification:
Our Tira y Cubre game was a quick and easy addition to our math center. After printing and laminating the game boards, our Angelitos rolled one or two die (depending on the game board they were using), counted the dots shown, and covered the corresponding numeral on the game board. We used blue gems, but you could use any small item like buttons, beads, or even small balls of playdough.

Early Literacy Skills
Fine Motor & Writing Practice:
The kids really enjoyed practicing letters and numbers on our mini light table. (It's actually a light up tracing board like this one, that we use as our light table.) We combined a mess-free color mixing activity with our writing activity by adding yellow and red paint to a plastic baggie, taping it closed, then taping it the light table! Our Angelitos LOVED the color mixing part, and it added a bit of novelty to our writing station.

Music & Play:
One of their favorite parts of every unit is the songs that we sing related to each theme! For our Bomberos theme, we sang and danced to the song "Los Bomberos Van Deprisa" (you can find it on our Angelitos YouTube channel on the Para Mover playlist). Then we got to practice putting out pretend fires using different types of water bottles/sprayers (from the dollar store). We simply put shaving cream and a little red, yellow, and orange food coloring in the windows and roof of a plastic dollhouse, and let the kids--I mean BOMBEROS-- do their job!

I hope you can use some of these ideas for your own kiddos. Whether at home or in a classroom setting, we hope your little ones have as much fun with these activities as ours did! Be sure to download the free printable pack below, which includes all of the activity pages and resources from this post. Nos vemos pronto!
Download your free Bomberos printable pack below!
